Monday, April 21, 2008

Traffic conditions

Well.. one of the promises the Chinese government made for the Olympics was to ease the gridlocked traffic conditions on the roads of Beijing. So far, so good.. We've only got stuck in a jam abt 2 times in 4 weeks. Not too bad la ah? heh.

One of the days we got stuck in a jam. It lasted abt.. 1hr30mins? We should've been at our destination in 20mins.

No island dividers, white painted metal fences line the roads.

No matter how expensive the car, Porsche or Audi, the cars are always dirty. Eugh!

Chery! The Chinese made car. Fugly!
δΊ¬(jing) means that the car's from Beijing.

MGoetomo on the window ledge taking photos of I-dunno-what.
It is quite safe to hang your head out. cuz surprisingly, there isnt alot of motorcyclist whizzing around. They're called cyclists, and they have their own lanes.

As usual, campaigning for the Olympics, everywhere..

No smoking while driving? hmm..

Sometimes we drive past huge ancient buildings and temples, really beautiful architecture.