The 2008 official mascots
"Beijing welcomes you"
"Beijing welcomes you"
So cute right? Not!
In a peaceful world, there's always bound to be conflict. right? right..
There's a saga going on between HuanHuan and JingJing. The people of China adores HuanHuan. Plush toys, figurines and shirts are, most of the time, sold out. As for JingJing, we(Singaporeans) love it! ahha! damn cute right? My friends bought lotsa JingJing stuffs.
However, the people of China hate JingJing. For the simple reason: It's ugly. I dont know how and why, but they just do. So sad. They go all the way to show their disliking by defacing it, tearing out huge billboards along the highway and vandalising on him where possible.
and that's that. Concluding today's discussion.