A decommisioned Military Factory transformed itself into an Art District. This place is called the 798 Art Zone. The place was littered with huge industrial factories, lined with railroads to whisk away ready-tanks and ammunition. Now, the factories have become galleries, trains have become works of art but the history remains.
I like this place. It's another one of those "ern's must-visit places"
I like this place. It's another one of those "ern's must-visit places"
In the factories are galleries displaying visual art, paintings, sculptures and shops. It's quite a wonder how the Chinese conserved the factories.
A shop that sells paintings. The desk there is his office, i presume.
Another gallery displaying photographs. Children roam the "war torn" environment. Dont worry.. There are no AK-47s, RPGs, grenades, mines or snipers.
Old rusty pipes act has Billboards.
A typical entrance to a gallery. Hmm.. Bricks, cement, dirt.. eugh.
But really cool artefacts, respect art. Dont take photos of art. I dont show art here.. heh.
I think this is bomb shelter.. But it's now a huge museum and shops.